Create delivery addresses

Find this screen

Open: Customers > Create and amend accounts > Customer Delivery Addresses.

How to

Create a delivery address

  1. Choose the customer account
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter the address details.

Changing a delivery address

The new address will be only used for new invoices and sales orders that you enter after you have changed the address. The new address is not applied to existing orders and invoices.

To change the delivery address on existing orders and invoices, you must amend the order or invoice.

Deleting a delivery address

You can delete a delivery address at any time, even if it is the default delivery address for a customer.

If you delete the default address, you'll see a warning and the default delivery address will be set to the invoice address.

Changing the VAT details

The VAT details are taken from the customer's account by default.

You'll only need to change these if the delivery address is in a different country from the customer account.

Useful info

About delivery and invoice addresses

You can add two addresses when you enter an invoice or order - a delivery address and an invoice address.

To use a one-off addresses, just enter the address when you create the order or invoice.

If you have delivery addresses that you use regularly, you add these delivery addresses to your customer accounts. There's no limit to the number of delivery addresses you can have.

Are delivery addresses printed?

By default, delivery address are only printed on despatch notes, and are not printed on invoices.

If you're creating invoices from the Invoicing module, you can keep a record of a delivery address but these won't print on the invoice.